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Winter Peak Ascents in Colorado Backcountry Blog

Colorado Adventure Guides
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NOLO Mill History

Just south of Breckenridge and West of Alma, the North London Mill site lies at the base of Mosquito Pass. Colorado Adventure Guides has partnered with the North London Mill Preservation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit, to help preserve Colorado’s mining heritage while developing an alternative model for outdoor recreation.

In summers, join us for a History & Archaeology Workshop to learn about the area, check out the ripping ski terrain in winters, and meet the team helping make this new backcountry education center a reality.


Home to around 1,000 residents and workers in the early 1900’s, the NoLo Mill and Mine participated in one of Colorado’s biggest gold strikes, which spanned 70 years and resulted in nearly one million ounces of gold. Eventually the mine closed during WWII, and the buildings were abandoned.

Fast forward a few decades, and the NOLO Mill is now the site of an unique project designed to unite historical preservation with recreational and educational use. Renovation is currently underway on the old mill office which will become the first of several backcountry huts and education venues.

Colorado Adventure Guides is excited to be part of the project and serves as the designated winter sports guide partner. With access to over 3,000 acres of public and private land surrounding the huts, we will be offering AIARE avalanche safety courses, and Introduction to Backcountry Skiing/Splitboarding courses at the sites, and look forward to offering overnight hut trips as the buildings are restored in the future.

Designed with the layperson in mind, these workshops will be conducted by NoLo Executive Co-Director and Historian Kate McCoy and archaeologists Michelle Slaughter from Alpine Archaeological Consultants and Natasha Krasnow from Metcalf Archaeological Consultants. Participants will learn about the history of mining in Park County and the history of the North London Mine and Mill. They will tour the site and learn about existing features and their roles during the Mill’s operation. Participants will also learn about how archaeology contributes to what we can know about sites like the North London Mill.

Learn more about the NOLO Project here.

Stu Bryner
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